Monday, April 27, 2015

Deep Genomics - meeting 1

-          Don’t necessarily agree on where the value is
o   Do they put the software out for free to “seed” the software
o   Do they sell it to different segments?
-          What is the customer lifecycle?
o   Will a customer come back in 6 weeks or 6 years?

-          On areas where others can analyze: we are as good or better Accuracy
-          Plus, can analyze more of the genome than competitors
-          Quality product, or buggy?
User Experience
-          Ease of use?  Faster?  Easier to integrate?  Convenient? 
Analyze varients at specific locations across the genome

Customers currently rely on a tool called ANNOVAR
-          They upload genomes to ANNOVAR and ANNOVAR spits out out
-          T
ANNOVAR is an academic tool that was
-          It’s a database of databases
-          If the genome is a book, all of the information in annovar is like the highlighting and notes in that book
-          Bookmarks the locations of the variants
-          Tute Genomics is the UI for ANNOVAR

HLI: company that needs the data to create pharmaceuticals that they can sell
Variant analysis costs between $1,000 and $2,000 (partly because of the sequencing)
Cost for analysis is $200 to $400

PARTNERSHIP OPP: package anlysis with the sequencing
Sequencing: blood sample in, sequence of 3 billion letter out (your book)
“variant” calling: identifies the genomes that are different than the “reference”.  Flagging is done during the s

$3,000 for 100 samples (patients)  - $10/patient

How many genomes are sequenced a year:
One machine can sequence 18,000
2015: 400,000 (whole genomes world wide that will sequenced)
5 year outlook is 50 million
Human Genomes sequenced in 40,000
In 2014: 2014: 235,000

2019:  23,000,000
2024: 4,000,000,000

Different kinds of sequencing:
1.       Fully sequenced – looking at
2.       Looking at “active genome set” – the % of the genome that is actively defining us\

3.       Looking at “key markers” only

Website Functionality


- Explanation of platform
- Benefits for participation
- Project Ideas (if permitted by Founder in public disclosure document)
- Feature success stories
- Sponsors (and sponsor stories?)
- Innovation blog

- # of members?
- # of projects underway?
- Full access to all other member profiles
- Full access to all project ideas (may be limited depending on disclosure settings)
- Connect like LinkedIn for the ability to DM - except for
- Professional/career building content
- Sponsor sponsored content

- A member can become a "builder" by applying to be a part of a project OR accepting an invitation to participate in a project
- If a member decides to become a "builder", they must first accept whatever terms (legal, confidentiality, non-competition) the "Founder" requires for participation


- Asana meets LinkedIn meets Indiegogo - where people come together to be "Makers".
- Platform tracks hours spent by each person participating in the project.
- Office space where teams can come in and meet


- Connect with people within the network for
- Shadow on projects


- sell projects that make it to monetization online
- negotiate with storefront owners to be charity participants

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Funding and cash flow

Management Fees: post an idea
Government Grant/Funding
Corporate Sponsorship
Investor Subscription
Corporate Subscription
Corporate Pay to Play
Monetization Finders Fee: commission
Storefront "MDF":

Site Development
Web Hosting/Site Maintenance

SCENARIO 1: Idea posted by individual

SCENARIO 2: Idea posted by a corporation (project)


A People Platform

Who can/should participate?

- Anyone and everyone!

- Any "expertise" is welcome to register and make themselves available for partnership of participation; although some skill sets may be more in demand depending on ideas.
- Sample skill sets: accounting, marketing, skilled trades, project management, sales/biz dev, designers, IT specialists, data/analytics experts, web developers, app developers, research, legal
- Could be fully employed and looking for a rewarding part time activity
- Could be unemployed and bridging to future employment (prevent the gap on the resume)

- Students, temporarily unemployed, returning to work, stay at home parents, remote workers
- People looking for a career change

- Government (grant)
- Sponsorship subscription (tax deductible)
- Project based: company looking to have a single product built can "pay to play" (to be fleshed out)

Why should the various parties engage in the program?

Individuals: Find skilled and experienced "business partners" to help you get your idea off the ground
Companies: remote incubator.  Tap in to a skills network and find people to work on a new idea

- Participate in projects.  Choose to either lend your expertise for a short while to build your profile or mentor someone, or stay in for the long haul and share in the business

Can't get a job because you don't have experience?  
Can't get experience because of you live remotely away from industry?  
New to a country and trying to increase your qualifications and/or network?  

Government: Help grow a qualified workforce
Corporate Sponsors: Brand association with social good + tax benefits
Investors: Find the big ideas before they are big ideas

How to ensure each user remains engaged (skin in the game?)

- Reward for idea moving in to production: profile points and status (instant status as Founder)
- Reward for idea making to monetization: Founder bonus ($) and status
- Penalize if abandon project by points deduction and appearance on scorecard

- Reward for short term support with profile points
- Reward for long term support with equity
- Reward for mentorship with profile points and status (acknowledged as mentor)
- Penalize if abandon project by points deduction and appearance on scorecard

- Reward for short term support with profile points
- Reward for long term support with equity
- Reward for participating as mentee: with profile points and status (add skillset to profile as mentee)
- Penalize if abandon project by points deduction and appearance on scorecard

- Government: 
- Corporate Sponsors: Content for marketing and promotion.  Brand affiliation with success stories
- Investors: First dibs on

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Framework

Maker spaces have shown that when you democratize resources and create a space for people to collaborate, creativity blossoms and people without the resources to build alone are empowered to engage in projects they may not have otherwise had the resources or relationships to create.

(respond to my needs)

Create a platform where people with different skill sets can collaborate on projects their interested in and build products, and maybe even companies, with people they would not have otherwise been able to find and connect with.

Why Crowd Building?
It takes many different skill sets to bring an idea to life.  Very few entrpreneurs hold a complete portfolio of skillsets to build a create a compelling product or build a successful business.

The crowd building platform allows people of a variety of skill sets to browse "ideas" and see if there are any they are interested in joining.

It also provides a means for the less qualified to become more qualified by:
- participating in projects related to their field of study
- building professional skills during periods of un/underemployment
- democratize corporate learning by providing remote and underprivileged people access to a network of professionals that can help them build their careers - no matter where they live.

How does it work?

People join the platform as they would any social media and create a profile. The profile includes:
- their specialty
- their tenure on the site\
- their "points" earned
- the number of successful projects they have participated in
- whether they are available to join new projects or unavailable

Icentivizing meaningful participating:
- earn points for participation
- earn extra points for mentoring while participating
- if your project makes it to the montization stage, have the opportunity to make actual money by selling the product, court angel investment, or sell the business
To prevent people from abandoning projects: penalize by suspending from the platform or deduct points

Stages of project developmnent:
1. Post the idea:
- Provide an "elevator pitch"
- list the talent you want to acquire: do you need R&D, trades, marketing, skilled labour?
- Set privacy and put legal controls in place
- State intentions:  do you want to monetize?  Is this to support a charity? 

2. Build a team: the initiator can post the project and hope people apply to join.  They can also pursue builders by looking at their profile and selecting based on skill set, tenure, previous success, etc.  This where the idea lives or dies.  If an idea is good, the initiator will be able to attract "talent".  If the idea is not well received by his builder peers, the idea is dead in the water.

3. Layout the project:
- build a workback identifying milestones, time to completion, regular project management meeting, deliverables

4. Launch the project

5. Project Development
- How will work get done?  Use Asana type platform?
- What happens when/if the process breaks down?

6. Present the final product
- on the platform?

7. Evolution

of the company: company networks with local businesses to find "placements" for the projects to sell the final product.  

The Inspiration

- the "maker" trend
- the "crowd funding" trend
- the "start-up" trend
- my mom
- my talented friends

The Maker Movement
The Maker Movement is a social phenomenon where people are once again valuing the hand built, small production model.  Maker Faires are events were people show their hand built products, and Maker Spaces invite people in to a shared space to either share resources or build together - or both.


The Crowd Funding Trend
Crowd Funding Platforms such as Indigogo, allow for the general population to support and breath life in to projects in a very individual way.  Influence the market place by supporting the products that you like and you would like to see come to fruition.


The Start-up Trend


The Idea

On April 20, after a particularly difficult day, I went for a run to clear my head and work through my feelings.  My weekly cadence is: survive Monday and Tuesday, move my projects forward Wednesday to Friday, enjoy Saturday and then have a panic attack on Sunday in anticipation of another impossible week.

The particular week, I was too anxious to go to the office, so I worked from home.  After a whole day glued to the couch helping a team that my company would rather I get rid of than help, I needed to get out.

As I ran, I walked myself through the root cause analysis that I've adopted over the years as a means of getting to the core of the problem - so that I'm solving the actual problem - not the symptoms of the problem.  I came to the conclusion that the core of the problem is:

1. I'm not proud of the way I spend my time.  My latest effort to rectify that by joining a company that aims to "help humanity" is indeed, another cash grab where I am underpaid and pushed to do overtime for no real benefit - monetary, spiritual or otherwise.
2. I'm disillusioned with the corporat world
3. I want to help people, but I don't know how - or if I can afford to take on a profession that is philanthropic in nature
4. I carry a burden (or a chip) from growing up poor and not having access to education and professional networks that kids from professional households have. \
5. I want to leave positive legacy behind.  One my mom would have been proud of.  

I've come up with a few good business ideas, but few caught my imagination, seemed viable, delivered on my spiritual needs or made me feel confident that there was enough demand to assure success.

Then today, I had one of those runs where ideas flowed...